We hope you’ve had a great Christmas and that 2018 will be happy and healthy for all. Please check back soon as we will be updating you on our projects and Homecoming on April 21!
We hope you’ve had a great Christmas and that 2018 will be happy and healthy for all. Please check back soon as we will be updating you on our projects and Homecoming on April 21!
We at FPI would like to wish our members and readers a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. See you at Homecoming on April 21!
We had a great fall meeting on September 16 at the Sanitary Restaurant. Rodney Kemp kept us laughing with his stories, and Jeff West encouraged us with his ideas of ways to get more done in Portsmouth Village. We’ve got a lot to do folks, and now is the time. Be watching for your issue of the Doctors Creek Journal in December and for more information on our projects. And if you haven’t already, please put April 21 on your calendar for Homecoming and remember to reserve your room in advance. Don’t be caught like some were 2 years ago without a room. We are excited about Homecoming!
Our fall meeting will be held Saturday, September 16, at the Sanitary Restaurant in Morehead City. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m.
Speakers will be Rodney Kemp, storyteller and historian, and Jeff West, acting superintendent of Cape Lookout National
The meeting will be followed by door prizes and a dutch treat lunch at the Sanitary. The public is welcome to attend!
The latest edition of the Doctor’s Creek Journal is out and in member mailboxes! Let us know how you like it. It’s full of news about our spring meeting, a special trip to Portsmouth, our newest project, and our work on the Carl Dixon house.
Thanks to all who attended our May 20 meeting at NCCAT! It was a great day and we counted 50 in attendance. Special guests were Dr. Erin Seekamp of NC State University, Acting Superintendent of CALO, Jeff West, and author Ray McAllister, the new editor of the Doctor’s Creek Journal. We surprised Dave Frum, NPS, with a special plaque thanking him for his 28 years of service working at Portsmouth Village. The late Ellen Cloud’s book, Portsmouth – The Way It Was, has been republished and was presented at the meeting. Ellen’s daughters, Simona and Deidra, were on hand to sign the books along with Ray McAllister, the publisher. After door prizes, lunch was served on the outside deck.
FPI’s next meeting will be September 16 at the Sanitary Restaurant at Morehead City. The meeting starts at 10:00 with a Dutch treat lunch after the meeting. Hope to see you there!
Make plans to join us on Saturday, May 20, for our spring meeting at Ocracoke. We will meet at the NCCAT facility down by the ferry dock at 10:00 am. Dr. Erin Seekamp of NC State University will present the survey results regarding member input for Portsmouth Village and Cape Lookout Village. Also attending will be Jeff West, Interim Superintendent of CALO, who will update us on Portsmouth and CALO. Also meet author Ray McAllister, the new editor of the Doctor’s Creek Journal. You do not have to be a member to attend – all are welcome!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Members can start looking for their Doctor’s Creek Journal in the next week or so. In the meantime, we wish you a safe and happy holiday with all God’s blessings.
Wishing all our readers and members a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We are truly blessed!
Portsmouth Village reopened today! We are indeed grateful there was no major damage. The beach north to the village is open also, so good news all around!